Page 42 - GE-537 組裝說明書 - Pro'sKit 寶工科學玩具
P. 42
ᔊ݂ღરৰ Trouble shooting
1.ሗᆽႩཥϫτༀЗໄ݊щ͍ᆽ(Ԉୋ9ࠫdӉ 14 ).
1.Be sure to install batteries with correct polarity. Please refer to page 9 , step 14 .
a.Ԉୋ7ࠫdӉ 9 b.Ԉୋ10ࠫdӉ 15 .
2.After pressing the power switch, if the device doesn’t make an operational sound,
please check 7 , step 9 . 10 , step 15 .
3.If the power switch is not able to be pressed down, please check
a. τΌༀໄ݊щΝࣛܲɨ
a. If the safety lock was also pressed down simultaneously.
b. කᗫ݊щτༀ͍ᆽdԈୋ7ࠫdӉ 9 , 10 .
b. page 7 , step 9 , 10 .
c. C3݊щτༀ͍ᆽdԈୋ8ࠫdӉ 12 .
c. page 8 , step 12 .
4. ක઼ཥ๕ܝdί͊ЪศًٙرɨdνC04אC05ʔᓙ༶ᔷdሗᆽႩ˸ɨτༀ݊щ͍ᆽ
4. After powering on, if C04 or C05 runs non-stop before tilting joysticks, please check
a. ୋ21ࠫdӉ 32 b. ୋ22ࠫdӉ 36 .
a. page 21 , step 32 b. page 22 , step 36 .
5. Ъศ˲ዚኜɰϞ༶ᔷᑊdШC04אC05ۍ͊༶ᔷࣛdሗᆽႩ˸ɨԫධ
5. If there is an operational sound when tilting joysticks but both C04 and C05 do not run, please check
a. ཥɢ݊щʔԑ b. E19τༀ˙Σ݊щ͍ᆽdԈୋ15ࠫdӉ 13 .
a. If batteries are running low. b.if the part E19 is assembled the other way around, please check page 15, step 13 .
6. νศ͊ঐΫՑৎЗໄdሗᆽႩ˸ɨ݊щτༀ͍ᆽ
6. If joysticks do not go back to home position, please check
a. ୋ11ࠫdӉ 1 b. ୋ22ࠫdӉ 34 .
a. page 11 , step 1 b. page 22 , step 34 .
7. ν˓ᑑ͊ঐԱศЪ˙Σ͍ᆽਗЪdሗᆽႩୋ15ࠫdӉ 13 ݊щτༀ͍ᆽ
7. If joysticks trigger the arm moving in the wrong direction, please check page 15, step 13 .
8. ν˓ᑑɪeɨe̸e̛ೌج͍੬ਗЪdሗቃ̙ൖᝈ࿀ቃ݊щ͍੬༶ᔷ
8. If joysticks doesn’t trigger back/forward and up/down movement, please check the observation
window to see if gears insides are running.
a. νϞ͍੬༶ᔷdሗᆽႩୋ25~27ࠫdӉ 1 ~ 9 iୋ28ࠫdӉ 12 ݊щτༀ͍ᆽ
a. If so, please check page 25 ~ page 27, step 1 ~ 9 , and then page 28 , step 12 .
9. ν̸ᗙჇೌجЪѰ˧ࣛdሗᆽႩୋ23ࠫdӉ 37 ݊щτༀ͍ᆽ
9. If the left joystick does not trigger the grippers, please check page 23, step 37 .
10. νѰ˧ಃˀ˙ΣਗЪࣛdሗᆽႩୋ29ࠫdӉ 6 ݊щτༀ͍ᆽ
10. If the left joystick triggers the grippers in the opposite way, please check page 29, step 6 .
11. When the arm moves to the position as illustrated below, an instantaneous displacement
could occur, due to a clearance between mating gear teeth. It should be considered normal.