Page 6 - GE-537 組裝說明書 - Pro'sKit 寶工科學玩具
P. 6
ਕ̀ءจ ʃҦ̷፴ Read It Before Assembly
Please read through and follow the tips below before assembly.
̘ৰˣᗙRemove burrs
Unnecessary ˣᗙ
burrs Unnecessary burrs ͍ᆽ
burrs ፹Ⴌ
Trim off the burrs ONLY. Do not
ཧɨࣛሗਗ਼ˣᗙʲ৻ଋd˸еପ͛ගქኬߧ༶ЪʔԄ trim off the protrusion belonged to
It happens a lot some burrs are left at the edge of plastic parts after cutting them off. original plastic parts. All features of
Make sure the burrs are completely removed to avoid operation malfunction. parts should be kept completely.
ၡոᑮക Fasten tapping screws
ሗԴ͍͜ᆽٙৎɿ᎘ۨ dԱɨࠦٙӉਗ਼ᑮകᕁၡ
Use corresponding (size-compatible) screwdriver. By following steps
below, you can fasten the tapping screws perfectly. ሗਕ̀ਗ਼ᑮകᆽྼᕁၡЇֵ
Please lock screws all the way
කᏛᔷ ࠠልਗЪٜՑೌ down to the bottom. If they are not
ਗ਼ৎɿ᎘࿁ᑮക fastened tightly enough, parts may
Put the screwdriver ᕁոช൳Ը൳ၡᐺ جΎᏛਗᑮകމ come off. The product may
towards the top of ᘱᚃᏛᔷ ˟ consequently not work.
screws. (1) Screw in Repeat until
(2) Feel the tension getting higher screws are
(3) Keep screwing tightly fastened. ͍ᆽ ፹Ⴌ
Correct Incorrect
ᅼۨҖًeଡ଼ༀ˙ΣၾЗໄءจԫධ Shape, assembly direction and position of parts
Some parts may look quite similar.They should be assembled in the designated direction and position shown in manual.
͍ᆽ ፹Ⴌ ͍ᆽ ፹Ⴌ ͍ᆽ ፹Ⴌ
Correct Incorrect Correct Incorrect Correct Incorrect
͍ᆽ ፹Ⴌ
Correct Incorrect